In early March, we launched five electric pedal-assist bikes and riders have been telling us how much they love them since. Due to their popularity twenty more electric pedal assist bikes, or e-bikes, will be available to riders starting today. According to our data, 19% of all trips over the past six months were taken with these ride boosting bikes. The electric pedal-assist helps riders as they pedal up to 17mph, perfect for the longer recreational rides our BikeLNK riders have been taking now that all pass types come with unlimited 1-hour trips.
Starting today, there will be twenty more electric pedal-assist bikes for you to enjoy. Allo sponsored the original five e-bikes and will be sponsoring eight additional e-bikes. These bikes are as quick as the lighting fast fiber Allo provides to their customers. Twelve e-bikes are available for sponsorship, those interested in sponsoring the new bikes can check out our Sponsorship Page.
As always, we suggest using the BCycle App to locate the e-bikes which are shown with a little lightning bolt symbol on the station icon. There is no additional cost to use an e-bike, you just need a valid BikeLNK pass. To get the assist, all you need to do is turn on the bike with a button located on the left-side of the handlebars over the display screen. Once you start pedaling, the electric-assist will match the your power to make biking a breeze.
BikeLNK is proud to provide Lincoln with active transportation and healthy activity. We have increased their cleaning protocols in response to COVID-19 and have been reminding riders to follow social distancing guidelines when riding through our social media channels. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the most up to date information about BikeLNK!